Musical Conductor & Director Guy Russo
Stage Director and Choreographer Robert Hockenberry
Performances were March 2-11, 2012 at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library Music Hall, Carnegie PA.
Pirates of Penzance – Photo Gallery
Cast Breakdown
March 3, 9, 11
Billy Wayne Coakley as Frederic
Elizabeth Rishel as Mabel
Zach Luccette as the Pirate King
March 2, 4 8, 10
Blake Beckemeyer as Frederic
Sabina Balsamo as Mabel
Sean Lenhart as the Pirate King
All dates (principals who are not cast as principals for given dates will be in the ensemble as pirates or daughters)
Glenn David Marra as Samuel
Gregory Patrick as Sergeant of the Police
Deborah Geary as Ruth
Leon Zionts as Major-General Stanley
Samantha Christou as Edith
Sara Tavela as Kate
Samantha Harris as Isabel
Pirates: Brian Bogovich*, Chris Carter*, Marc Daffner, Michael Greenstein, Eric Marchbein*, Gerald Neuhaus*, Jim Newsome*, Myles Zuckerman, Paul Warlop (* indicates those who are also Policemen)
Daughters: Alexandra Aks, Bonnie Bogovich, Randi Daffner, Carolee Kamensky, Judith Patrick, Heidi Pilewski, Haylie Rose, Gwendolyn Schmidt, Mari Storch, Ruth Zuckerman
Pittsburgh City Paper “This is a production about swords. Swords and endless mugging.”