Members of the Pittsburgh Savoyards cast and orchestra will perform at the Grand Duke’s Dress Ball. Performances will include highlights of the Gilbert & Sullivan repertoire, including pieces from H.M.S. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado, and our upcoming Fall show, The Sorcerer!
The Savoyards will be conducted by Guy Russo.
Clarisse Benson
Edward Leonard
Fonda J. Hollenbaugh
James Rumbaugh
Laura Leonard
Lynette Garlan
Margaret Kenny
Monica Hurley
Natalie Kasievich
Phil Wion
Steve Leonard
Suzanne Levinson
Annette Frotz
Bill Bloemle
Bonnie Bogovich
Chris Neff
Deborah Greenstein
Elizabeth Rishel
Garth Schaeffer
Gwen Schmidt
Jack Mostow
Jim Newsome
Judy Kirby
Kaitlin Very
Kassidy Mayernik
Keely Borland
Leon Zionts
Marc Daffner
Mary Beth Sederburg
Mia Bonnewell
Michael Greenstein
Myles Zuckerman
Randi Daffner
Robyn Peterson
Samantha DeStefano
Sean Lenhart
Susan Hood
Takako Kiyota/Petek